Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thought I would be a teacher

So for Christmas Santa brought bikes to all the girls. How fun I thought. But with where we live it snows... so it's not like we can just jump on and go for a ride.Madison my oldest is the only one that knows how to ride her bike. So on a warmer day in March, a balmy 55 degrees I  thought I would teach my red head how to ride her bike. It was spring break, and we have been laying low all week, so I woke up made pancakes and bacon and told the girls of my plan. They shouted with joy ..... "finally". So with everyone bundled we were off. The older two were walking their bikes .... (our destination would be the church.) Me helping guide the baby and Adrianne ...well.... she started crying the moment we left the drive way. Cried down the street, and around the corner. Cried down the next street until we made it to the church. Cried the whole time at the church and just for an extra performance she threw her helmet and with tight fists, throw them down at her side.
While she was off doing her performance of Nellie Olsen from Little house on the Prairie. I thought I would come into teacher mode and teach Miss Juliet. Well ........ didn't work out so well. She started crying saying she wasn't strong enough, and proceeded to whip her ponytail around in utter despair an 8 yr old girl could go through.... while learning to ride her bike. SO with 2 down and the little one getting tired I thought I would hang up the teaching hat and lead everyone home. Adrianne is still crying. Down the block around the corner, down another block, the made the last turn to get on our street ... crying. Such a mother's moment. What the Hell was I thinking. Teaching my daughter how to ride her bike. Hmmmmmm...... this duty might have to go to her father.

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