Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I know a lot of Mothers go on Strike at their house. I usually do an annual one. This year was like any other year ... no results. The last straw for me was going to the family room, which is in the basement and looking at the monstrosity. I had cleaned the whole family room two days before. The super clean. I even cleaned the baseboards. Don't ask why.. it was a freak thing.  As I am standing with my mouth open looking at the mess, I am also watching the bologna being picked up from one end of the couch to the other. THAT WAS IT!!!!! I had it. This was the moment I was feeling like I am working on an assembly line. Breakfast, clean house, laundry, lunch, clean house, laundry dinner. You get my drift. I wish I was one of those woman that just didn't care, but I do.

Growing up I always thought that the house came first and me second. Well.... I get it now. It's not that the house came first but that the mom was the one who picked things up. Yes, children help but really, I mean really sometimes that takes more effort than you want to give. I know Just call me Mother of the Year.
Well the strike didn't last very long. 3 days. Then I couldn't take it anymore. SO I guess it's  ......................  Game On

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