Friday, February 25, 2011

Baboo ..... that is what I call my 4 yr old. She is a little stinker and a half. Super smart and super sassy. This morning, this snowy Friday morning I woke up to a very upset stomach and what we like to call ..poo runs. I think the pizza I had last night is not agreeing with me at all. Which just sucks. I have many things that I wanted to get done today. So I told Baboo ... that mommy's tummy is not feeling good, despite what Mr. Man says ..Playing sick. Don't worry, he will pay for that later. So she says to me ......"Mommy I will will take care of you today. I can bring you some water, scratch your back, and you can watch me play on the compooter. That will make you happy". She says this while I am on the throne of course. Cause when do you really get to go to the bathroom by yourself. NEVER. I love my little girl. That is the one thing about having girls. Many Mommies.
The thing with motherhood is, no matter how sick you are or how many broken bones you have you still have to WORK! Still have to change diapers, make lunch, put kids in time-out with their tantrums. So on days like today.. I like to enforce the day of T.V. day. And I feel absolutely o.k. with it. Motherhood does not take a day off. Unless you are one of the lucky ones that get to go out of town for an overnight-er. Then look out Mr. Man you make not recognize the woman with you. Ahhhhhhh..... back to the toilet I go

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