Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Marriage

When you get married you have no idea what you are in for. You think you do, but really you don't. You may think you know where you want to live and how many kids you would like to have, how you want to decorate the house and even what kind of family car you would like to drive. But then reality of life sets in. The reality of..... how much you can afford together. How long it actually takes the Wife to get pregnant, and the job factor. Are there "lay-offs"?? Wanting to be a stay at home parent? Then there is the constant compromise in a marriage. The man might have to work late or travel a lot in his job. The pay might get cut back or no increase at all with your growing family. I mean what person really thinks and is prepared for situations like these when they get married. OK... maybe the OCD"S. But c'mon!!

In a marriage  a person changes. They are not the same person they are or think they are when you were first married. Being together and life alters you. When you thought you would never leave the city, because you loved the charm of the city life, then Boom.. you have kids. And know you are looking in the suburbs for a home with a yard. Then you might take up gardening and canning. And maybe even learning how to lay down tile by your neighbors. Again ... did you see this in your future...
No.... and I will tell you why. Cause when you were looking at the Man on that special day everything was wonderful. Nothing, not a damn thing could or can ruin what the two of you have. It was and still is, to an extent a blank canvas.  Always .. I mean always remember why you said yes. Or asked him to marry you. You chose this, no one forced you ....... and remember to laugh and have fun getting to know one another.

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